24 Voices That are Warning America About What is Coming, and Most of them are Being Censored and Persecuted
We have reached one of the most critical points in American history, and there should literally be thousands upon thousands of voices sounding the alarm about what is coming. So where are they? This is a question that I have been pondering quite a bit lately. As you will see in this article, there are some wonderful people out there that have been trying to wake America up for a very long time … Continue reading
Too Much Screen Time Harms Brain Development
Watching more than two hours of screens a day may harm the structural integrity of white matter in preschoolers' brains, with implications for language and literacy skills. Children under 2 years shouldn't use screens, but even those 2 and over may face lifelong consequences of too much screen time during childhood. You may want to think twice before gifting your child a new tablet or cellphone this holiday season, as increasing research suggests screen time may cause more …
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Neonatal Nurse Says Government Mandated Vaccines are Destroying an Entire Generation of Children
The VAXXED II film bus is currently touring the country in promotion of this groundbreaking sequel to the original VAXXED documentary. And one of the people interviewed by tour host and actress Polly Tommey was Michelle Rowton, a neonatal nurse who wasn’t shy in declaring … Continue reading Neonatal Nurse Says Government Mandated Vaccines are Destroying an Entire Generation of Children

Why Are Kids Today Less Patriotic?
Why are younger people not really patriotic like me? Why do kids these days not realize why they stand for the flag or the Pledge of Allegiance or the national anthem? – Kim D., age 17, Goochland, Virginia - The first bell of the day rings at a local school, and a voice blares over the intercom, asking students to rise from their seats and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America … Continue reading Why Are Kids Today Less Patriotic?

Same Big Pharma Empire Behind Opioid Epidemic Now Profiting From Overdose Cure
Mundipharma is owned by the billionaire Sackler family, which also owns OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma. An affiliate of the U.S.-based pharmaceutical company that brought us OxyContin, the blockbuster painkiller blamed for propelling opiate addiction to epidemic proportions, is now seeking to cash in by selling the cure to overdosing … Continue reading Same Big Pharma Empire Behind Opioid Epidemic Now Profiting From Overdose Cure
The Top 10 Most Evil, Demonic But TRUE Events of 2019 That Indicate the Rise of Satanism
Many Americans are still in perpetual denial about it, but there’s no doubt that Satanism is rapidly infecting every crevice of our land. Here are 10 of the most disturbing examples of what happens when a nation patently rejects God and embraces the god of this world instead: … Continue reading The Top 10 Most Evil, Demonic But TRUE Events of 2019 That Indicate the Rise of Satanism
Sin Taxes & Other Orwellian Methods of Compliance That Feed the Government’s Greed
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep … Continue reading Sin Taxes & Other Orwellian Methods of Compliance That Feed the Government’s Greed
Mum Makes 12-year-old Sign 17 Rule Contract Before Allowing Him a Phone
Do you worry about giving your child a phone? This mum set boundaries by issuing her son with rules before handing over his mobile. It can be tough for parents to decide when to give their kids phones. Many worry oo much screen time … Continue reading Mum Makes 12-year-old Sign 17 Rule Contract Before Allowing Him a Phone

New Orleans Has Declared a State of Emergency After a Cyberattack
The city told its employees to shut down their computers as a precaution this weekend after an attempted cyberattack on Friday. The news: New Orleans spotted suspicious activity in its networks at around 5 a.m. on Friday, with a spike … Continue reading New Orleans Has Declared a State of Emergency After a Cyberattack

Famous Geneticist’s Dating App Would Match Users Based on DNA
Harvard geneticist George Church’s long list of lofty — but very possibly attainable — goals for the future of DNA research includes resurrecting the woolly mammoth, reversing human aging, and perhaps even helping you gain superhuman powers … Continue reading Famous Geneticist’s Dating App Would Match Users Based on DNA

92% Of Americans Feel Their Freedom Is Threatened
Americans are most afraid their First Amendment rights could be taken away, according to a new poll by Harris Poll/Purple Project, which surveyed 2,002 people nationwide from November 18-20, 2019. Overal, Maria Vultaggio notes … Continue reading 92% Of Americans Feel Their Freedom Is Threatened
MSM Journalist Blows Whistle on Biggest Scandal of 2019 and Nobody’s Talking About It
A commerce student once told me that when there is a major scandal involving a business, the entity that ignores the scandal and does nothing to publicly address it generally recovers from the scandal better than those companies that issue statements, seek to address the issue … Continue reading MSM Journalist Blows Whistle on Biggest Scandal of 2019 and Nobody’s Talking About It
Jews Continue Coming Home at Increasing Rates
Israel is a land of immigration, and it’s not only waves of Jews returning to their ancient homeland. The State of Israel has taken in around 3.3 million immigrants since its inception in 1948, when it had just 806,000 residents. After 1990, 43.7 percent of all immigrants were from the former Soviet Union. Many waves of Jewish immigration … Continue reading Jews Continue Coming Home at Increasing Rates
Why Bad Customer Service Won’t Improve Anytime Soon
Some of the most hated companies in the U.S. are also the most profitable. Much of this consumer resentment may stem from poor customer service. In fact, most Americans have fought with phone menus, desperately seeking a live service agent to seek a refund. In 2013, Americans spent an average of 13 hours disputing a purchase or resolving … Continue reading XXX
More 'Digital Conversations' Than Speak Face-to-Face
Everything Your Medical Doctor is NOT Telling You
Rights For Robots? Will Robots Have Rights?
This Story on Smartphone Tracking is the “Most Important Article You Should Read Today" Period
The New York Times on Thursday sparked calls for congressional action by publishing the first article in its “One Nation, Tracked” series, an investigation into cellphone tracking based on a data set with over … Continue reading This Story on Smartphone Tracking is the “Most Important Article You Should Read Today" Period
Here’s How You Can Be Nudged To Eat Healthier, Recycle and Make Better Decisions Everyday
Every day, you make important choices – about whether to feast on fries or take a brisk walk, whether to spend or save your paycheck, whether to buy the sustainable option or the disposable plastic one. Life is made up of countless decisions. The idea of nudging people in the right direction … Continue reading X